The Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (NAMC) is a collaboration among industry, academia, and government that was created in 2012 to define and implement the Commonwealth’s advanced manufacturing strategy within the Northeast region of Massachusetts.
During the first two years of the consortium, the four Workforce Investment Board (Metro-North, Greater Lowell, Merrimack Valley, North Shore) Executive Directors led efforts to organize the consortium and develop resources to support advanced manufacturing activities. In the fall of 2014, NAMC started the transition to being business-led, with 13 manufacturers joining the NAMC Business Leadership Team (BLT) in order to ensure our work is business-driven and tied to local needs. WIB Directors and Community Colleges are also members of the BLT. The NAMC Director, who reports to the four WIBs and works closely with the BLT, staffs NAMC meetings and activities and is supported by other NAMC partners.
- A $500k Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund grant (in combination with matching Workforce Investment Act funds) to train 70 workers in machining and electronics was awarded to NAMC (North Shore WIB as lead) by Commonwealth Corporation in early 2013
- In January 2015, NAMC was awarded Advanced Manufacturing Pipeline funds ($415k) and $211k in federal Job-Driven National Emergency Grant funds in order to fund additional cycles of training in machining and electronics. These funds in combination with matching WIA funds would have supported three additional program cycles. Unfortunately, the $415k was zeroed out as a result of the Governor’s 9C cuts
- Multiple AMP It Up grants ($10k each) from Mass Development have been awarded to NAMC WIBs to expose youth to career opportunities in manufacturing
- NAMC (Metro North REB as lead) was awarded $500k in EOHED funds (via the Mass Tech Collaborative) to support the NAMC Director and a Manufacturing Marketing Manager over a two-year period. Both positions are focused on identifying manufacturers’ needs, linking companies to the talent pipeline, and engaging them in consortium efforts
- Promote Manufacturing: Ensure manufacturing is perceived as a viable and appealing career track among the student population, through participation in robotics and other exposure activities.
- Develop the Workforce Pipeline:
- Validate career ladders and document associated skills per job type
- Develop entry-level training for new workers with classroom and hands-on components
- Develop training opportunities for incumbent workers (consortium or individual trainings, e.g., using Workforce Training Program Funds)
- Expand NAMC membership to ensure broad access to resources supporting the industry as well to promote collaboration among companies
NAMC consists of representatives from the Manufacturing Business community, Workforce Development System (WIBs & One Stop Career Centers), Vocational High Schools and Community Colleges.